Tooling available for VAStGoodies

Early this year,  Adriaan van Os announced that wants to be the open source software repository for the VA Smalltalk community. To promote this great initiative, I proposed to create some tools that allow you to contribute to directly from your Smalltalk image. Initially, it includes an editor to edit project annotations and an uploader that takes a versioned ConfigurationMap to publish it. Future versions will enable you to download new and updated versions of projects directly into your repository.

Edit Project Annotations

Using Annotations, you can provide information related to the applications/maps that you are going to publish. This information will be stored as Envy fields in your own repository so entering is only required the first time you publish. The license type is a required field. You can use Wiki syntax for writing a description. Currently, VAStGoodies supports annotations for Users and Configuration Maps.

  • missing image of vastgoodies_editannotations

Publishing to

In the Configuration Maps Browser you can select a version of your Map to publish. You will see two menu items related to VAStGoodies. The “Publish” action will check your licence type and ask to confirm the upload.

  • missing image of publish menu

Installing the tools

Download the configuration map “ Tools” from Before loading this into your image, make sure you have loaded the SstHttpCommunications applications. As always, suggestions for improvements are welcome.

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