Coding extensions for VisualAge for Smalltalk

The configuration map “Philemon Tools” , available at, now contains an application that enhances the source code browser in VisualAge for Smalltalk. In short, it provides the following features:

  • code completion
  • paste buffer (hold shift while selecting menu item "paste" to select from previous copied source)
  • repeat edit action (like VisualWorks "again")
  • modifier+key combinations  (see below)
Control+t ifTrue:[ {selected source} ]
Control+g ifFalse:[ {selected source} ]
Control+Shift+( ( {selected source} )
Control+1 Browse hierachy or implementors
Control+2 Browse references or senders
Control+3 Show previous occurrence of selected text
Control+4 Show next occurrence of selected text
Control+5 Show containing Block
Control+p Cycle forward through suggestions of completing method|variable|class name
Control+Shift+p Cycle backward through suggestions of completing method|variable|class name
F2 Format + Save
F5 Save
F6 Revert
F7 Indent selected source
F8 Un-indent selected source

The code completion part is written by Erik Stel. Current implementation does not allow for custom bindings ; you just have to change the class EmmKeyboardProcessor in the PhilemonToolsKeyboard application. Alternatively, drop me an email if you have suggestions.

The configuration map “Philemon Tools” , available at, now contains an application that enhanced the source code browser in VisualAge for Smalltalk. In short it provides the following features: code completion, paste buffer, many modifier+key combinations.