Method categorization is an important part of documenting the interface of classes, which is quite unique to Smalltalk to my knowledge. Therefore most developers spent time reorganization their methods in commonly known categories such as initialize-release, accessing and instance creation.
PhilemonToolMethodCategories is a goodie that contains some extensions to the standard browsers that deal with categorization. In particular, it offers a different “Move to category…” menu item that pops up a menu with existing categories and another submenu with suggested category names. You can change the default list on a per-user basis like this:
EmUser current storeObject: #( 'initialize-release' 'accessing' ) as: 'PreferredInstanceProtocolNames'
Browse Unsent Methods…
The Browser Class menu will have this new item that will search the image for methods defined in the selected class for which no senders could be found.You can use it to cleanup your class once it is more stable.
New Method Template
Furthermore, this goodie adds a nice little event hook that obsoletes the use of “New Method Template” ; just select the category to which you want to add a method and the template will be shown and selected for you to replace immediately.
This goodie is part of the “Philemon Tools” configuration map and can be downloaded from