2016 - together, we celebrate

This short (2 min) video was created using a simple interactive Ubanita script that translated touch events into Triangle generation. See below the interesting part of that program.

For each touchMove event, a random colored Triangle sprite is added. For each touchEnd event, such Triangles are created with a outwards radial velocity.

// touchMove is called when the game detects a movement in a touch
function touchMove(event) {
        var dus = {};
        dust.x = event.data.x;
        dust.y = event.data.y;
        dust.fill = randomColor();
        dust.radius = 12;
        dust.vx = _.random(-20, 20);
        dust.vy = _.random(-20, 20);
        _addTriangle(0, dust)
    // when a player moves a (single) touch then call this function
_on("touchMove", touchMove);

// touchEnd is called when the game no longer detects a touch
function touchEnd(event) {
    var dus = {};
    dust.fill = randomColor();
    dust.radius = 4;
    for (var e = 0; e < 360; e += 5) {
        var rad = Math.PI * e / 180.0
        var cx = Math.cos(rad)
        var cy = Math.sin(rad)

        dust.x = event.data.x + (5 * cx);
        dust.y = event.data.y + (5 * cy);

        dust.vx = 200 * cx
        dust.vy = 200 * cy
        _addTriangle(0, dust)