
JQTouch library support for Seaside

One way to build applications for the iPhone is to create a Web application that tries to look and behave like a native one. Currently, many Javascript libraries are being developed that try to accomplish just that. One of the big reasons for choosing this route is that developing such applications is so much easier compared to the Apple-way (learn Objective-C, build and test on the local emulator and try to get it accepted by AppleStore). - exploring open-source Smalltalk libraries

Soek is a Smalltalk application that provides a different way to navigate through documentation and source code of a Smalltalk library. Instead of the classic multi-list browser view in an image, Soek offers a flat view on all methods and classes and is build using the Seaside Web framework. missing image /2009/11/screen-shot-2009-11-13-at-6-33-24-pm.png I discovered this way of publishing a framework when I worked with Rails and did most of my searches on Railsbrain.