The site gives access to the sources of open-source Smalltalk libraries and frameworks. A big advantage to developers is that they can explore Smalltalk classes without having to successfully load them into one of the Smalltalk dialect platforms. Recently, I have changed much of the Smalltalk generator and HTML/Javascript generated code.
Formerly, all Smalltalk source was highlighted using a client-side Javascript library. This resulted in long page loading times because it had to iterate through all DOM elements and replace the HTML content by a post-processing (using regex) result.
Soek is a Smalltalk application that provides a different way to navigate through documentation and source code of a Smalltalk library. Instead of the classic multi-list browser view in an image, Soek offers a flat view on all methods and classes and is build using the Seaside Web framework.
missing image /2009/11/screen-shot-2009-11-13-at-6-33-24-pm.png I discovered this way of publishing a framework when I worked with Rails and did most of my searches on Railsbrain.
For some time now, Amazon S3 Web Services are available to the developer community. Since its inception, several client solutions made their way to the public. provides both a simple Web Interface and a Java Web Start based client to your S3 accounts. The web client is typically used to create and browse your bucket contents. The Java client is used to upload large files or a large amount of files.