rendersnake is a Java library for creating components and pages that produce HTML using only Java. Its purpose is to support the creation of Web applications that are better maintainable, allows for easier reuse, have testable UI components and produces compact HTML in an efficient way.
This blog post explains how to start from a carefully designed rich HTML page and create new or use the components available in the library.
renderSnake is a open-source library for creating components that produce HTML using only Java. By defining Java classes for HTML components and pages you can exploit all the language features (e.g. inheritance, composition, type-checking) and IDE tooling (e.g. refactoring, unit-testing, references search, debugging,…). In addition, renderSnake is designed to produce compact HTML in an memory efficient way.
The "V" in MVC Basically, renderSnake is responsible for the presentation layer of a Web application.
For some time now, Amazon S3 Web Services are available to the developer community. Since its inception, several client solutions made their way to the public. provides both a simple Web Interface and a Java Web Start based client to your S3 accounts. The web client is typically used to create and browse your bucket contents. The Java client is used to upload large files or a large amount of files.